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ContactWhite’s Ling Wrap with roasted garlic and lime beurré blanc
200 Grams Ling
60 ml Dry White Wine
1 Tbsp Lime Juice
4 Cloves of Roasted Garlic
120 Grams Butter
1 Spinach Wrap
1 Tspn Lime Rind

Combine wine, juice in an small saucepan. Bring to the boil and
reduce by 2/3’s. Add cream, return to the boil and reduce heat.
Whisk in cut butter piece by piece until sauce is smooth.
Do not boil.
Peel and stir into sauce.
Add 1 tspn of grated lime rind.
Grill ling in a pan with butter until cooked.
Warm wrap in oven 3 – 5 minutes
Place Ling in wrap and cover with sauce and serve.