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ContactWhite’s Blue Grenadier Croquettes with Beetroot Relish
500 Grams Blue Grenadier
750 Grams Potato
750 Grams Sweet Potato
1 Tbsp Butter
1 Tbsp Cream
75 Grams Panko Bread Crumbs
1 Cup Spinach

Cook potatoes then mash, add butter, cream and spinach.
Lightly poach fish in boiling salted water for about 5 minutes.
Take off heat cool, flake the fish into potato mixture and stir.
Divide into barrel shapes. Place on baking tray and chill for 20
Then dip croquettes in flour, egg and bread crumbs.
Cook in a hot oil for about 4 minutes until crisp and golden.
Serve with betroot relish.