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ContactWhite’s Barbecued Ocean Trout with Cucumber Spaghetti
4 portions ocean trout 180-250 gms
2 baby beetroot
2 telegraph cucumbers
250 mls orange juice
60 mls pernod
2 finely chopped shallots
2 tbsp of chives
2 tbsp of parsley
250 mls extra virgin olive oil
50 mls red wine vinegar
100 mls tomato sauce
tabasco sauce
worcestershire sauce

Preheat BBQ to med – high, wrap beetroot in foil with a splash of olive oil. Cook until tender. Peel outer skin when cooled.
Spaghetti – Slice cucumber in a mandolin. Combine cucumber, orange juice & pernod, for about 20 mins. Drain.
Tomato Dressing – Mix together shallots, chives, parsley, olive oil, red wine vinegar, tomato sauce, salt, pepper a splash of tobasco and worcestshire sauce.
Ocean Trout – Brush ocena trout with a little oil, place on a hot plate skin side down first for about 4 mins or until crisp. Then cook for a further 3-4 mins on the other side. Remove and rest for a few mins for a medium rare. Place cucumber on plate with dressing. Top with ocean trout and beetroot slices.